The Landesnetzwerk Bürgerengagement Berlin e.V. connects associations, projects, initiatives, networks, and other actors engaged in Berlin. Together, we implement projects, initiate collaborations, advance topics, and pool our voices in the political arena.
Our network represents more than 90 members, distinguished by their broad diversity. From large welfare associations, sports clubs, and foundations to small nature conservation projects and neighborhood initiatives, we encompass a wide range of topics, expertise, and experiences. This enables us to consider issues from various perspectives and develop solutions that reflect the diversity of our society.
We believe that a functioning democracy is based on a strong civil society actively participating in political processes and advocating for the common good. With our network, we work every day to strengthen this foundation.
Do you want to get actively involved and advocate for civic engagement? Does your association, network, or initiative collaborate with volunteers? Then you are in the right place!
We warmly invite you to actively contribute your topics to our network and collectively promote civic engagement in Berlin.
Here’s what you can look forward to:
Sounds exciting? Then contact us directly.
Are you eager to volunteer? We always welcome motivated individuals who want to contribute their skills to our cause.
Join our working groups and specialist circles: Do you want to delve into an issue intensively or are you interested in a specific project? Then take a look at our working groups and specialist circles. We always welcome new participants who have an interest in the topic and want to actively contribute.
Support us with technical questions: We regularly seek individuals to assist us with technical questions, digital event formats, and analog technology for events. If you are tech-savvy and interested in occasional involvement in a diverse network, feel free to contact us.
Bring your own ideas: Are you enthusiastic about the work of the Landesnetzwerk Bürgerengagement Berlin, want to get involved, but don’t quite fit into the mentioned points? Then don’t hesitate to share your own ideas and support suggestions with us! We always welcome new perspectives and helping hands.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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© 2025 Landesnetzwerk Bürgerengagement Berlin e.V.